We will be using the term “SUPREME POWER” in this paper because I believe it to be a term which will offend no one. By this term we mean a power which is totally absolute, so absolute that it is both definable and not definable—-or not. (We will explain that word game later on in this paper.) But for our purpose right now, we mean the power which created everything.
But first we must decide if such a power exists. So we will toy with that idea a few times in this paper. BUT it will be done, not only without reference to any specific religion, but also without reference to the idea of religion period. We must touch on the idea when it comes to the creation of the cosmos, and we may on occasion, mention a religion by name. How can we completely avoid it. But, sometimes when we do so, we are referring to that religion as a philosophy of life, not as a religion. We will more clearly explain that term later.

There are two possibilities: either the SUPREME POWER does not exist, or, the SUPREME POWER does exist. 

If one says the SUPREME POWER does not exist, then they are saying that at least the idea of the SUPREME POWER does exist by implication. They just don’t believe in it. How can that be?
 It can be because everything has an opposite. You cannot say anything without inferring the possibility that an opposite exists to what you a saying. If it is said something does not have an opposite in reality, then an inference is being made that there is at least an understanding of some kind of reality, even if it is a non-existing reality. And that includes everything which I am typing. So when one says they do not believe in a
 SUPREME POWER, they are also inferring the possibility that a SUPREME POWER exists.

If one says they do believe in a SUPREME POWER, we can ask “Why?” And the answer is because every painting must have a painter. EVERY creation, of any kind, must have a creator, or it would not exist. And so we ask them, “Do you exist”? And the answer is an obvious “Yes”. Ergo, there is a positive belief in a SUPREME POWER.

So everybody believes in a SUPREME POWER, or at least the possibility of a SUPREME POWER. And some may say that by our definition of opposites, there is the possibility the SUPREME POWER does not exist. And our retort to them is, there you are; you are the painting. And hence, there is a creator.
Immediately, there are those who adamantly want to disagree, but they cannot logically explain why.

And now we can get on with the problem of creating “Reality”. It is created by the SUPREME POWER.
But when we mention the SUPREME POWER as the creator of the cosmos we are not suggesting any type of creator which can be personified. This creator is some kind of existence far, far, beyond our ability to even begin to comprehend, let alone explain. It is up to each reader to identify this power in whatever manner suits their beliefs. If the creator is going to be explained, it must be done in a manner which will satisfy the individual doing the explaining, which may not satisfy at all the individual to whom the explanation is directed.

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