However, those who know such things tell us that our univeHowever, those who know such things tell us that our universe is expanding and doing so at an increasing rate. And they also tell us that what we are expanding into is nothing, nonexistence. Unfortunately, although it sounds impressive, it is not quite true.
The problem is that the “nothing” into which we are traveling does not exist, at least not in the way it is presented to us. They like to tell us that our “nothing” is something; it is “NOTHING”. This “nothing” is beyond the nothing we generally mean when we use the word.
I am not playing word games when I say, so, let’s clear this problem up a bit. There are, naturally, a great number of times in human history when something “new” appeared amongst us. It might be a “new” material object, a “new” idea, or just something different. Most generally at those times, it is necessary to coin a “new” word or phrase in order that we may communicate with others about this “newbie” Most generally the newly coined word or phrase is quite adequate, and there are no problems concerning that communication. But there are other times when a problem arises, and it may not arise immediately. It may be after a period of time when, because things change, the “newbie” doesn’t quite fit as good as it did originally. And, problems arise. Such is our situation now.
As I stated before, we are being told that our universe, because it is expanding, is expanding into NOTHING. And this NOTHING is beyond our ability to comprehend. It means we are expanding into NOTHING-NOTHING, or what might be referred to as hypernothing.
If we use the prefix “hyper” in front of a word, that means we are attempting to use a definition for that word which is far above our ability to properly define. So if we type the word “hypernothing”, that means nothing so far beyond our usual definition of the word “nothing,” that it is now not definable.
And that is what they are trying to tell us that our universe is expanding into. They want us to believe that the nothing we are expanding into is not there, not even to the extent of being “nothing”.
Now you see the problem of “creation”. How can we have the creation of space, or anything else that we can physically sense, out of “hypernothing”? Creation out of nothing? That creation of what is our “reality”, something we could put our finger on and feel, could not happen because that would mean there was no hyper place in which to create existence of anything. If there was nothing there, where could creation take place? If that is so, and it is, then how do we explain what we call “reality”?
Maybe at one time someone might have said that the universe was expanding into absolute “NOTHING” or hypernothing, and gotten away with it because it was thought that whoever said it was so much more knowledgeable about those facts, than ourselves, that we just accepted our ignorance and his knowledge.
“What do you mean “expanding into” your definition of “NOTHING”? That is not possible. Actually, it is possible when several pages from now we will be concerning ourselves with the power of the SUPREME POWER. Right now we are asking why can’t our universe move into the “beyond”? Is there some obstacle there; is there a wall there? What is preventing our move? WHY CAN’T THERE BE AN EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE?
When it comes right down to it, naturally nothing is hindering our move outward into the so called-NOTHING. We have been making that move since the beginning of our part of the universe, SINCE THE Big Bang. This move is nothing new. Our entire cosmos, not just our universe of innumerable galaxies, has been moving since the (beginning) (?) (You say “why the question mark?” I must ask the reader for patience.
.But, you say, this is “virgin territory”, “the new frontier”’ that we are supposed to be moving into. One thing we can say right off the bat is- this is where we have not been before, but is it completely new territory? Unfortunately, we can never completely understand the movement of the universe for these billions of years.
We must approach this situation carefully, very carefully, or we can easily confuse ourselves and get lost. .And so, for right now, let’s make use of and just mention something called HYPERTIME, the explanation of which, with its companion HYPERSPACE will be more fully explained at that time. Let’s, just say for now, that HYPERTIME/HYPERSPACE is eternal infinity, or infinite eternity, which we can even coin with a new word, (anyway I think it is new, even though we did mention it briefly before), INFERNITY. If “nothing” exists within that “infernity” with the possible exception of energy, and whatever caused the emergence of “energy”, then that is the same as agreeing with those are correct who say “nothing” existed at that time except for…..
“Except for” ….. “energy”, and “energy”, unfortunately, is something. And that puts us in a very uncomfortable position. It would seem that we are near the beginning of everything. On top of that problem, how can we talk about the beginning, if we are talking about eternity with its inference that there are no boundaries of beginning or ending. If you have either one of those, it is then not eternal!
But nothing exists within that infernity, just HYPERTIME (no HYPERSPACE, yet). (So it is not yet infernity, without the inclusion of HYPERSPACE, AND THUS NO ENERGY EITHER.) Energy is the basis for the creation of matter, so we are informed. What follows is subject to attacks from all quarters, but deserves at least brief consideration.
(SO, at this point of our writing, we will consider HYPERTIME and ETERNITY because our present needs demand it.)
HYPERTIME with its ETERNITY is the first of anything, and that is all there is, just empty, eternal, undefinable time, with never any variation, ever. Thus the prefix “HYPER”. Then it must be noted that HYPERTIME, in and of itself does not include “space”. So in order to create the COSMOS, space must somehow be added. HYPERTIME must have as its traveling companion some concept of a place, or space. And so we get HYPERSPACE with its INFINITY. Now we have the two of them together creating ETERNAL/INFINITY or INFIRNITY. These two, in combination are an absolute necessity for a COSMOS. Without eternity and infinity (INFIRNITY) the COSMOS would not be possible. But, whenever you mix two ingredients, the result is something different. It is possible that blending these two together creates the ENERGY of a type which would lead to the creation of MASS.
And now there might be the need for a deeper consideration of HYPERTIME and HYPERSPACE..
The first criticism of this theory should be, “Where did HYPERTIME come from?” And the second should be, “Where did HYPERSPACE come from?” And the third should be, “Where does the cock-a-mammy idea of the two together in the future creating MASS come from?
My only answer right now is; where does some of the weird stuff in your dreams come from? Don’t question what the SUPREME POWER can do. These are logically the three first things which should happen to create the COMOS and that is all which is necessary for the SUPREME POWER to step in.
HYPERTIME, with its ever faithful companion TONTO (oops, sorry about that) HYPERSPACE is what we are expanding into, with their unity of INFIRNITY. which was the beginning of creation, by the SUPREME POWER or everything which we know about and even more that we don’t, This will all be explained in detail later, but, don’t forget this beginning we have made,
We are on the road to understanding the territory the universe is moving into.