In other words, we are going to explain how the SUPREME POWER, using THOUGHT, in the role of DREAM MASTER, is going to make the REALITYof its DREAM logical.

We are still on the road to understanding the new territory our universe is moving into.

Every theory must start with some strong basis upon which the theory is to be built. The basis we are going to use is HYPERTIME. Obviously since we are using the prefix “hyper” that means we are using the root word “time” in a manner which is beyond complete definition. Our HYPERTIME is time with no limits or boundaries; in other words, it is eternal. And as such, it is time that cannot be DIVIDED into any kind of measurable segments, nor does it contain any measurable segments. (As we have mentioned before, but now we are going to dig more deeply into the subject.) In and of itself, it is eternal. And that means, as far as time is concerned, no beginning, no end, no boundaries, no dimensions of any kind. Not even boundaries or chunks within itself. If it had boundaries within itself, it would not be eternal. It is the first solid brick in the creation of our universe. But how was this “brick” made (created)? Naturally, it had to be created by the SUPREME POWER, but how? The SUPREME POWER as DREAM MASTER creates REALITY just as we could create reality when we played the role of dream master in one of our nightly dreams. The difference being that the reality we created in our nightly dreams lasted only for the duration of the dream. But the DREAM MASTER’S creation, or “dream” if you like, lasts to become part of the universe, as what we would determine to be REALITY. (We are not inferring here that our nightly dreams do not seem to be reality at the time we are experiencing the dream. We sense them to be “reality” in nearly every case.)

HYPERTIME covered everything. It needed nothing else in order to be all there was to REALITYIt, HYPERTIME, can exist alone. We must remember this fact.

(We are still working on the idea of what the universe is expanding in to.)

Now we must go a little deeper if we are going to claim that HYPERTIME in the first brick in our explanation of reality.

When we say to someone that HYPERTIME is eternal, that someone, without knowing, congers up a mental image. Said image is most always of two dimensions, length and width. So the image is of eternity in length and width. It is forever frontwards and backwards, as well as never ending right or left.
But there is another dimension which us three dimensional creatures must consider, depth. Up and down is also never rending. We, three dimension creatures, can never even consider there is any beginning or ending to any of our three dimensions. And since it is eternal, every spot within that brick is of the same time, with no differences anywhere. And that also means there is no such thing as a “spot” because a “spot” would set said “spot” as separate from the rest of eternity, and that just would not be possible. EITHER ETERNITY IS ETERNAL OR IT ISN’T, IN WHICH CASE THEN IT WOULD NOT BE ETERNITY.
And our BOSMOS fits “within’ that eternity, somewhere. But there cannot be a “within”, because that infers there is a “without”. But that cannot be because then eternity would not be eternal, and hence, not be eternity. And now the reader claims that this “brick” is beyond description. CORRECT
Then how can we have a COSMOS?
Have patience.

Before we go any further, we must make something clear which might too often be neglected.
We have made mention that HYPERTIME is a brick encompassing our cosmos of three dimensions. That also infers the brick would encompass any cosmos of one or two dimensions. But there is more. There is of course a fourth dimension made up of yuk, consisting of yik and yak, which you will recollect was previously pointed out as being diagramed and named in my 2004 paper, and again pointed out earlier in this paper. But that is not all.
I am quite sure the reader is aware there have been several attempts by others to point out, each by their own proofs, there are this or that many dimensions. But they have all made the same mistake, which is to make their determination from the basis of a three dimensional creature. And their proofs may work very well for such a creature. But a 20 dimensional creature can easily be justified by a nineteen dimensional creature.
My point being that the HYPERTIME “brick” being eternal would also be eternal in every conceivable dimension. And that possibility is also eternal, and as a result is not able to be understood by us three dimensional creatures.. But, we will attempt to achieve more understanding later,

Now to get back to explaining HYPERTIME.
When we communicate we are constantly referring to “time” in some manner: i.e. today, or in a minute, or when I get around to it, or by hours and minutes, or by years, or next time, or put on clothing, or I am going to sit down. We cannot communicate without a constant reference to some kind of time. HYPERTIME is time without any definite segment. In other words, it is time which is universal or which is eternally the same, without any definitive periods, or even deminsions.  You could even say it is time without being anything, because if it was something, that would indicate it was segmented.. There are no hours to show that this is ahead of time or that is behind time. There is no measurement of time. Measurement of time is merely something done by creations of plant and animal life forms.   There is no “now” or “then” or “yesterday” because there was in the beginning no REALITY of any kind to be so measured. So, since there was absolutely no existence of anything at all, everything is the same, since nothing can be described. “Forever” is the same as “never”. So “forever existing” is the same as no time at all. Time will only be necessary, and have meaning to us, when there is some form of REALITY requiring a measurement of time.  At that point time will be created out of HYPERTIME so that things can be sequential. (i.e. There is this, then there is that.) 

Measurable time cannot be taken or given when considering HYPERTIME.
Because you cannot take or give from ETERNITY. ETERNITY plus or minus anything is still ETERNITY. But where can there be a place for measured “timeif ETERNITY occupies everything?

Again we ask for patience

Anything requiring sequential time, or requiring an explanation of, or, for its use of sequential time, will develop its own methodology to define that use. It may be done by language, by color, by seasons, or by maybe a multitude of ways. But in no case whatsoever does it affect or conflict with HYPERTIME.
HYPERTIME, as we stated previously, exists absolutely alone. 
When we refer to what we have done to develop sequential time, we call it an INCREMENT or SEGMENT of HYPERTIME, BUT IT REALLY IS NOT. We just do it so we can make some sense of sequences. So every “thing”, every bit/piece of our REALITY, needs to utilize “time” so it can be measured in some way. Not even language can exist without time

.Let me explain again. Without the measurable increments of time, there would be no before or after; no past, present or future; no moment; no “in a while” or “in a little bit”; no was, is, or will be; no past tense, present tense, or future tense; no yesterday, now, or tomorrow; no “see to it” or “get around to it”; no birth or death of anything; no existence. Even the use of our senses requires time: i.e. “it tastes great” (“tastes” involves a measurement of “time” as do the following verbs); “it feels good”; “it looks beautiful”; “it sounds pretty”; “it smells wonderful”. Each of those is taking time to be sensed. Everything we say, or even think, involves time in some manner. 

And, to repeat ourselves, the word “time” for our purposes, means time which is not eternal, and only exists because there is cause for something to be measured in some way. And if it is something which can be measured, that means it has a beginning and an end. And we talk about beginning/end; we are referring to something we are talking about, in comparison to something else. 

HYPERTIME, itself, naturally standing alone,is not in any way involved with being compared with, or to, something else. Even when we say it is “eternal” that is misleading. By saying it is eternal, we are comparing it to whatever is not eternal. Otherwise, it is not understood by what is meant by being “eternal”. But this is just another indication that we cannot communicate without a reference to time in some way. We have no other word to define HYPERTIME. And that means the existence of time beyond the understanding of anything, It is time beyond the existence or nonexistence of anything else. It is HYPERTIME and it is “ETERNAL”, even though that word is inadequate as a defining term.  Or, said another way; ETERNAL ETERNITY (these two words together can drive you nuts) without being able to have measured increments within itself, is beyond comprehension.

So, to rehash what we have already covered, when we use the just plain word,time”, we are referring to an INCREMENT (measurement)  of time, so we can make some sense of our existence.

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