Time is how we use HYPERTIME when we as materialistic creatures need to be able to measure time. HYPERTIME has the ability to allow itself to be used in fragments, which do not actually exist, so that it can be measured. Such fragmentation in no way has any effect upon HYPERTIME itself. It can be measured and does not need space in order to exist.
Space is how we use the part of HYPERSPACE which has the ability to allow itself to be used in fragments so that it can be measured. Such fragmentation in no way has any effect upon HYPERSPACE itself. It can be measured and must have time in order to exist.
These two appeared on our scene separately. And now that they are here, let’s make double sure we understand from whence they came. They were spawned by THOUGHT emanating from the SUPREME POWER when/where there was no prior existence of anything. (Do not try to understand that statement; just accept it. It is beyond our ability to comprehend the beginning of things involving the SUPREME POWER.) This was in the SUPREME POWERS dream where the SUPREME POWER is playing the role of DREAM MASTER, just as we do in our dreams. But with an unlimited power of CREATION. This was required in the beginning in order to accomplish what was needed for the establishment of the COSMOS. A basis was required to build upon. Everything must have groundwork for a beginning, and the COSMOS is no exception.
Everything must be created in its time. First, there must be space, but before there can be space, there must be time in which space can operate.
The next several lines are an attempt to prove our point that we are working within the bounds of “logic”. If you opt to follow our attempt, please do so slowly, understanding each step before trying to prove me nuts. Please drive ahead slowly; the road is full of pitfalls.
At this point, we will refer to our cosmological truth, mathematics. 1 + 1 = eternity. If eternity has no value, then 1 + 1 or any other numbers added together, or combination of numbers added together = eternity. Also, ½ of any number, or twice any number= eternity. Anything does or doesn’t =eternity. Nothing, not even eternity has any value. So anything, even “0” =HYPERTIME=eternity. If “0” can = eternity, then nothing has been created from nothing, since in this equation, 0 is eternity.. Everything from no time to all time =eternity.
When the SUPREME POWER in the roll of DREAM MASTER created HYPERTIME which included just plain “time”, and HYPERSPACE which included just plain “space”, out of nothing but a THOUGHT, what was being created was what the universe was not only moving into, but had been moving thru (“TIME”/”SPACE”) ever since the uniting of HYPERSPACE TO HYPERTIME, (WHICH POSSIBLY CREATED ENERGY, OR SOMETHING AS NEAR TO ENERGY AS POSSIBLE SINCE WE ARE GOING TO BE CREATING MASS, AND ENERGY IS AS BASIC TO THAT CREATION AS WE CAN GET AT THIS TIME.)
And, even prior to INFIRNITY, there never was something such as nothing or hypernothing since there was always, from the original THOUGHT, HYPERTIME. AND that HYPERTIME served as the original building block upon which all else was developed.
With everything being created into “something” by THOUGHT, which has a value of nothing, and which we have absolutely no way of comprehending, we have not violated our concept of “logic” being the backbone of this paper. !!!
It’s no secret that we are playing mind games here, but the fact remains, that in the strictest sense of the word, “logic” has not been violated because no “reality” has been created. Nothing has been created from nothing. The “reality” which we think exists, only exists in the DREAMMASTER’S “dream”, which is “REALITY” to us. This statement is going to become ever-so-important later.
Again, we must remember, HYPERSPACE is subject to HYPERTIME. HYPERSPACE will be more like an assistant to HYPERTIME, HYPERTIME being top dog. HYPERTIME is time eternal, and with the addition of HYPERSPACE, it is also infinite.
HYPERSPACE still needs HYPERTIME, but HYPERTIME still does not need HYPERSPACE. It is just more complete with it as an underling.
Do they ever show themselves? Only when we try to explain them. And, as we said before, when we are talking about the ETERNITY of HYPERTIME and the INFINITY of HYPERPACE together, we use the new word “INFIRNITY”.
We stated in this paper that HYPERTIME is the SUPREME POWER’S basis upon which all else is built.
HYPERTIME does need the assistance of HYPERSPACE in order to be more complete for the SUPREME POWER’S needs. but is not proud of the need.