In the beginning there was/is; and at the end there was/is?

It was 21 Feb 2020, when hypernothing was made manifest to me in no uncertain terms! I had suffered a blood vessel rupture, and because I was on a blood thinner for my irregular heartbeat, I was losing blood like crazy. It finally took 4 units of blood to keep me going. In other words, I was unconscious and dying. I am naturally not aware that my wife, Masumi, had called the rescue unit, until they started hooking me up to all kinds of wiring which would furnish them with all kinds of readings concerning my condition. About this time I regained partial consciousness and strongly resisted all those claustrophobic wires which I tried removing as quickly as they attached them. I remember that I was tremendously confused and I was attempting to make things normal by understanding that one plus one equals two. That is true, I was really trying to work out that equation, but no such luck. Evidently I finally was overcome and they got me to the hospital, where I once more regained partial consciousness. But this time it was very serious. Masumi says she saw my eyes starting to roll back into my head, and she knew I was dying.  I also remember this time period, but my memory is different. I was on a slight incline, and was slowly sliding down towards a black abyss (“Slip Sliding Away”). This abyss was death, and I was aware of that. In other words, I knew I was dying. And it would only take one more slip, a fraction of a second, on that incline, and it would be all over for me. But I could hear voices telling me to hold on and other such terms. And standing out from those voices was Masumi’s voice, telling me to hold on. I listened to her voice and tried to find something to” hold on” to. But my physical body did not exist. I had no arms with hands which could hold onto anything. I nearly gave in and let slide the rest of the way. It would be so easy. Just don’t fight it and it’s over. But instead I tried to mentally hang onto Masumi’s voice. And then I remember nothing until I regained full consciousness. Masumi’s voice had kept me from slipping into death just long enough for the staff to bring me back. Masumi is my wife, who kept me alive.
I saw death for what it really was, TO ME. It was an abyss like the darkest night. There was nothing to grab onto, either mentally or physically. It was not threatening or scary. It was just a totally peaceful zilch. It stirred no emotions of any kind. It was nothing of which to have any fear. I saw no bright light telling me to go back. But each person may have a different experience, maybe depending upon what they expect.

In other words, what I experienced was more or less what I expected to experience at the point of death, but which also is a life’s conclusion, end of it all, which I do not favor. Does that then meet some of the requirements which with some other conclusions, start satisfying some of the goals for this paper? As far as the goal of the original writing of this paper was concerned, that is, some understanding of death and the hereafter, it does for me. But each person must reach their own conclusions when it comes to a near death experience. What this person expects is not necessarily what that person expects. And for all we know, there is not a common experience for all to share. What we are trying to do with this paper is gather information which seems logical to most people who have somewhat of a shared interest in some of these and other unknown questions which surround us. The envelopes, within which we confine ourselves with the knowledge we have thus far acquired,, should not be sealed small spaces, just special for us to escape to in order to protect ourselves from further acquired, “unwanted”, knowledge. They should become enlarged spaces as we gather and surround ourselves with more and more knowledge, even if some of the new acquisitions disagree with that knowledge we already possess.. We can’t bust out of our envelope in a sudden big bang, without an effort on our part, to increase our knowledge and understanding of some answers to our questions. That increase is the result of time and study, which gradually expands the inside of our envelope to include that “expanded” knowledge.

The original paper referred to here was written many years ago and was something I wrote concerning what a tesseract looked like. It was, I believe, the first paper to so identify the make-up of a tesseract, since at the time there was not a single description of such a figure to be found within GOOGLE. At that time the word “tesseract”, as a diagram, was not even accepted as a word.  It was the very beginning, those several years ago, of all the sections which follow, except the section dealing with the TAO. (The original study for this paper started with the study of religions, decades prior to my learning of the word “tesseract”. The time finally came to put all those sections together, and see if they make as much sense as I intended, when, in the beginning, in the mid 1950’s, this work was started.)

There are basically two kinds of logic, philosophical and numerical. Philosophical logic is using the mental faculties with discussion and reasoning to reach what seems to be a logical conclusion. Numerical logic, is more accurate when it is explainable and properly used to seek and solve the problem at hand. Unfortunately, its use is frequently beyond the mental faculties of what most of us must rely on in our comprehension of the expressed final conclusion.

My purpose, for this paper, was to use philosophical logic, which could only be argued against by using other philosophical logic; and even though it was argued against, the original premise could not be defeated. Only by completing this paper will I know if the effort was successful. In other words, we don’t always need pages of mathematical equations to accomplish what may be accomplished by just plain reasoning. However, when the numerical logic of mathematics itself is used as just plain logic, (1 + 1 = 2 is logical; 1 + 1 = 3 is not logical), then numerical logic, correctly used is irrefutable; whereas, philosophical logic can most generally be debated. Our goal is to attempt to make philosophical logic so convincing, it will be acceptable by most, and, if not acceptable, at least worth consideration.

But, we must also understand that what is philosophical logic to one person is not necessarily philosophical logic to others. Case in point; Japanese logic and American logic are not always the same. (Interpretation of case in point—American logic is frequently based on the most reasonable solution leading to the conclusion desired, whereas Japanese logic frequently has to do with not choosing a solution which would bring dishonor to the family.) So it will be easy for a person whose main goal for reading this paper is to find their own philosophically logical interpretations so they can lambast this entire paper. This cannot be helped. There will always be those who will refuse to accept any concept other than their own. Another case in point being: those individuals in my own field of endeavor , which is history, and also those with certain religious affiliations, who will absolutely refuse to accept any new historical or religious interpretations, no matter how much proof is offered. And again, another one or two cases in point–The earth is still flat, and was created 4,000 to 6,000 years ago, no matter what proof is offered to the contrary.

Before going further, there are a few definitions we must be explained and then we will return to tesseracts and the fourth dimension.


Different writers have come up with their own definition of what the cosmological constant and cosmological truth should be; here is my understanding of both, right or wrong, based upon logic.
The cosmological constant is currently being used by some as a term relating to “dark matter”, which would seem to be a very good usage of the phrase. And our understanding of the term would be that “time” in and of itself exists only as an meaningful word, being unchanging, but all inclusive of zilch. In other words, “time” , by itself, is, but isn’t.

Ergo, the two together (cosmological constant [time] and cosmological truth [math]) make it possible for us to amass cosmological sequential knowledge. And that also gives us the cosmological universal equation of

1 thing+1 thing=2 things.

And that immediately leads to rousing comments concerning here we are dealing with mathematics when we were talking about “logic” as it would be used in a philological discussion excluding mathematics.
And that leads to something which must be cleared up immediately.
Mathematics is “logic”. (1 + 1 = 2 is logical. 1 + 1 = 3 is not logical.) Every equation dreamed up, for whatever purpose, is nothing more than the expansion of this cosmological unifying equation. This means that the one big unifying cosmological equation is nothing more than arranging numerical functions into sequences that would satisfy and explain the creation and continuance of everything. This one little equation is the most absolute, undeniably simple statement one can make concerning our universe. In other words, as the wise man once said, “The SUPREME POWER does not roll dice”, in order to reach an unpredictable conclusion. Pure logic already knows the conclusion.

(Please note that I use the title of “SUPREME POWER”, as I believe that is the title which will offend the least number of people. I will repeat this comment at different times in this paper.)

This means that if the conclusion is already known by logic, and you are unable to predict that conclusion, it just means you don’t have all the facts. You don’t know if all the dice are square, how flat the table is, if there is a breeze blowing which will affect the roll. You just need all the information which could possibly be involved in the roll in order to logically predict the result. This does not mean that quantum mechanics is wrong when it says there is an equal chance of either green or red coming up. But what I really want to know is why this color showed up, as opposed to that one. THERE HAS GOT TO BE A LOGICAL REASON.  (It is just a little bit easier to write about than it is to accomplish.)   


I am fairly sure that most would agree with the cosmological truth being mathematics, but there may be considerable disagreement with the cosmological constant being time. What we mean, which we will refer to in depth further on in this paper, is —–eternal time, as cited as a whole from here or there to here or there, will eternally read the same from any and all points of that eternal time; and with no pluses or minuses to that time ever. It is time without numbers. But we do know that in the creation and evolution of the cosmos, “here or there” has been established. And that means something has been added to go along with eternity. Here or there indicates “space”. And, of course what space would add that would be needed by time/eternity, would be space/infinity. So now we have the two together, or “INFIRNITY”. It must be noted something which will be mentioned a few times as a reminder later on, eternity can exist without infinity, BUT infinity cannot exist without eternity. In other words, time can exist without space (time does not need something to measure by the clock in order to exist ) space cannot exist without time (space needs to have a place for something to measure, and something to measure is going to have a here and there, which is going to involve getting from here to there, and that requires “time”. To repeat ETERNITY/TIME CAN EXIST WITHOUT INFINITY/ SPACE, BUT INFINITY/SPACE CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT ETERNITY/TIME. INFINITY TAGS ALONG WITH ETERNITY, AND THE TWO TOGETHER ARE INFIRNITY.

Time will only seem to show differences when eternal time is observed within measurable segments of that eternal time; and that would be a violation of eternity”. You cannot have a segment of eternity because a segment is also eternal. We will note in our future writings more about measurable segments of eternal time being impossible. But we can talk about them to make understanding of other points of discussion easier to understand. Also at this point, we must introduce another noun which we will use from time to time. That is singularity”. A singularity is an object which can in NO way be detected by anything outside itself; and it has NO manner of detecting anything outside itself. In other words, it’s a lonely little tulip in an onion patch, aware of nothing else in the patch, and nothing else is aware of it.
We must keep in mind that each measurable increment of time is a singularity, not able to observe anything outside itself, and not observable by anything outside itself. In other words, it keeps to itself. It does not like to play with others. So, to repeat ourselves although seeming to show differences from other segments of eternal time, time will really only show differences within the segment of time to which it belongs. And if there are those within such a segment of time, absolutely nothing else is aware of their existence and they are not aware of anything outside their existence, because, they cannot possibly exist . Hence, those segmented increments will not make one iota of difference in the overall definition of eternal time being eternal.  ETERNAL TIME WILL ALWAYS BE IN AGREEMENT WITH ITSELF, READING THE SAME, NO MATTER WHERE IT IS CLOCKED AGAINST ITSELF, ONE IMAGINERY POINT AGAINST ANOTHER. NO SEGMENTED INCREMENTS COULD HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ETERNAL TIME ITSELF. ETERNAL TIME NEVER SHOWS ANY AWARENES OF BEING SEGMENTED INTO SEPARATE OR SEGMENTED TIMES. SUCH RIDICULUS STATEMENTS ARE IMPOSSIBLE. We will discuss this in depth later on.  
So now, we can say that this universal, all encompassing, time, is actually HYPERTIME or time beyond description. Increments are merely segments of   HYPERTIME which are not recognized AS EXISTING by HYPERTIME OR having any effect in any way upon HYPERTIME itself. We have now introduced the term “HYPERTIME” to which we will be giving considerable attention further on in this paper. And so I consider eternal time or ETERNITY to be the “COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT”.

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